Wheelchair Accessible Dental Chair in Edmonton

Wheelchair Accessible Dental Chair Near You

At Unity Square, we have a very unique offering in wheelchair accessibility. You can wheel yourself right into our wheelchair-accessible dental chair. Our facility has a special electrical lift that can recline a patient in a wheelchair.

Wheelchair Accessible Dental Chair in Edmonton

Benefits of a Wheelchair Accessible Dental Chair

A wheelchair-accessible dental chair in Edmonton is designed to provide a more comfortable dental experience for those who use wheelchairs or have difficulty transferring to a standard dental chair.

  • Improved Accessibility – It allows individuals with limited mobility to remain in their wheelchair, eliminating the need for uncomfortable transfers.
  • Enhanced Comfort – The chair is designed for optimal comfort during dental treatments, ensuring a more relaxed experience for the patient.
  • Easier Positioning – The chair’s design allows for easier positioning and adjustments, providing better access for dental professionals and minimizing strain during treatments.
  • Increased Independence – Patients can maintain a sense of independence and dignity by staying in their wheelchair throughout the dental visit.

Are You Looking for a Dental Clinic with a Wheelchair Accessible Dental Chair Near You?

If you are want to know more about our wheelchair accessible dental chair in Edmonton, reach out to us at (780) 756-8080 or send an email to [email protected]